Tag Archives: Construct2

How you learn to program games

When it comes to games, everyone likes to play. But only a few find joy in programming the games and struggling with an activity that is not so beautiful as the results we see on our monitors. For people that wonder how is it to make your own games and want one day to make yours, you may find valuable informations, tips and guides here. Before you can get good at something, you need to try a lot. Below you can find the first game I programmed, it is a simple platform game.

I did all the programming and the sprites myself, and I used the Construct2 Software for that. The music was not made by me, but the sound effects were (with the tool: sfxr). The goal of the game is simply to go through all the stages, and to complete a stage you must kill all the enemies. For fighting, the character has a baseball bat (space bar). Sometimes, you will need to hit the balls back into some kind of enemies or they will not die.


Good Luck.



The reasons I had to create this blog are pretty simple. I need an easy way to share the games I programm with my friends. But when you create a blog you automatically gain a little more tools you can use. So now I can spread these games for more people that are interested and collect comments and suggestions on them. I can also write some posts about relevant themes and help the readers learn something that is important for me.

